Recipe for whole meal bread
Delicious bread is something we missed the most in New Zealand. In order to eat good bread again we have baked as soon as we had an oven available on campgrounds or accommodation. The effort is small and all ingredients are cheap to get in the supermarkets. Even if you've never baked bread before, then you can do it easily by yourself. Or make it a group event and bake with one to three friends together, that is more entertaining and everyone can give it a try. Enjoy baking and enjoy your delicious home-made bread.
Required ingredients:
Whole grain flour 700g
Dry yeast 2 tsp
Sugar 2 tsp
Salt 1 tsp
Water lukewarm 400ml
This is how it works:
Put 700g of whole wheat flour in a large bowl, mix the yeast, sugar and salt gently with one hand.
Give approximately 400 ml of lukewarm water (yeast needs around 32 ° C to work well, the water may at the beginning like to be a bit warmer because the remaining ingredients are so cooler) with in the bowl and also mix it by hand gently.
When everything is roughly together, knead the dough on a floured table top (at least 10 minutes). If you have other ingredients such as nuts, raisins or pumpkin seeds in the bread, you can now put them with into the dough; all smaller ingredients should be put into the dough at the beginning. Such as you add more spices to the flour at the beginning (for larger quantities, it is best to remove the corresponding number of grams from the flour or to add a little more water). Should you use wet ingredients such as grated carrots or similar you will need a little less water or more flour to make the dough work.
The perfect consistency is achieved when the dough no longer sticks to your hands and it has no cracks when kneading. Now you shape a ball and let the dough grow, covered for about 1 hour in the bowl with a tea towel.
After this hour you knead the dough again (about 5 minutes) and then form the desired bread shape you want, cuts in the bread are not necessary, but avoid that the bread bursts in all sorts of places.
In order to prevent the bread from sticking to the baking tray, it is best to take backing paper, or else dust the metal well with flour.
The oven should be pre heated to 220 ° C if you give the bread for about 10-15 minutes in the oven. Then set the temperature down to 180-160 ° C and leave the bread for another 20-30min in the oven. The wood stick test will show you if the bread is gone or not (take a wooden stick, put it in the bread and if it sticks to the stick it is not good yet). However, this method entails the high risk that mildew develops at the injection site. (Small tip: do not pierce in the middle but on the side and cut this page first.)
If you do not have wooden sticks available, there is an alternative method. You carefully knock the bottom of the bread, with the same sound if you knock on the inside and outside then the bread is done. If it sounds dull in the middle than on the edge it is not ready yet.
Have fun baking and enjoy your meal Kathi & Julian
baking bread by yourself
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