Easily and safely remove avocado seeds – Backpacking Tips

How to remove an avocado seed quickly and safely

To remove an avocado seed does not always seem so easy.

Mostly it is well embedded in the green pulp and quite slippery. If you lift it out, it usually flies in every imaginable direction. If you want to make it easier for you, then read our advice on how to get it out easy and safe.


What are avocados and why are they so popular

The flesh of the avocado is very nutritious. The classic fruit you know from Europe is usually rather hearty and not sweet. In other tropical countries there are even sweet variants of the fruit. The pulp can be eaten raw, until it is gray or brownish. It tastes pure, lightly salted or drizzled with lemon juice, tastes very well on a sandwich as well. As an integral part it is also delicious in dips and creams to process. Also good for use as a spread or to fill tortillas with it. If the purchased avocado is still hard, you do not have to worry, the fruit gets ripe by the time and in a few days it should be ready to eat. Originally the avocado comes from southern Mexico and has been known for over 10,000 years already. In New Zealand, mainly the variety Hass is cultivated. Enjoy.


Avocado cut in half


Instructions for safely removing the seed

Here are the instructions on how to remove the seed easily and safely:

You need:

– an avocado

– a sharp knife

– a fork or a spoon


That's how it's done:

Cut the avocado lengthwise and turn the two halves in the opposite direction. In one of the two halves is now the core. Take a sharp knife and carefully beat the blade into the core. If the knife gets stuck in the core, you can turn it carefully and pull the core out of the flesh quite easily. If the knife doesn't work out really well, then take a spoon for help.

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Avocado with knife stuck in the core

With a little swing the knife directly into the core until it gets stuck.


Enjoy your avocado

Voila, you can already enjoy your delicious avocado.


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